You’ll need to tighten more than your seat belt if you take a cab from most airports to downtown, especially since your flight to Europe or Asia will probably land just in time for morning rush hour. Hire a taxi and you could be stuck in traffic where the pounds or euros can quickly add up. Tokyo is notoriously pricey at nearly $300.00 but even a taxi from Charles De Gaulle will lighten your wallet by at least $73.00.
A rail link to downtown may be faster, but on weekdays you and your luggage will battle with business commuters. A smarter choice is an airport express bus to the city. Though it may move slowly, you’re guaranteed a seat and you can either sightsee or snooze. You might have to hop a cab or subway to complete your journey but by then, the big crush should be over.
I’ve used public transit in Hong Kong, Japan and Chile and it’s easier than you think. But be prepared for quirky policies, like needing a ticket to both enter and exit a system.
If you do cab it, confirm the price before you get in – meter or flat rate – and always carry your hotel’s address and phone number. After a late night out in London, a junior flight attendant asked the cabbie to “Take me to the Hilton.” Three Hiltons and £60 later, he finally found his room.
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